England Football Online
Contact Us Page Last Updated 7 June 2024
Friendly Match Record Overall

England in Friendly Competition
Match Record Overall

Friendly Match Record by Opponents

Friendly Comps

1872-1939 1946-60 1960-70 1970-80 1980-90 1990-2000 2000-10 2010-20 2020-30

402 227 96 79 889 446 +443 69 136 2.211 1.109 68.4 +148

England's Friendly Match Record by Venue
  Home Matches Away Matches Neutral Venue Matches
Type P W D L F A P W D L F A P W D L F A
All 191 116 45 30 407 182 202 106 48 48 465 252 9 5 3 1 17 11


England's Friendly Match Record by Venue and Overall
Type P W D L F A GD FTS CS FAv AAv Pts % W/L
Home 191 116 45 30 407 183 +224 28 81 2.131 0.958 72.5 +86
Away 202 106 48 48 465 252 +213 39 63 2.302 1.248 64.4 +58
Neutral 9 5 3 1 17 11 +6 2 2 1.889 1.222 72.2 +4
All 402 227 96 79 889 446 +443 69 136 2.211 1.109 68.4 +148

Record Sequences

record undefeated run
24 matches between 1908-29 (currently 0)
record victories in a row
12 between 1908-23 & 2018-23 (currently 0)

record home victories in a row 15 between 1923-48 (currently 0)
record away victories in a row 11 between 1908-23 (currently 2 2018-23)
record home undefeated sequence
18 between 1992-97 & 2016-23 (currently 0)
record away undefeated sequence
22 between 1908-29 (currently 2 2018-23)
record sequence without victory
8 between 1976-78 (currently 1)
record sequence without home victories
4 between 1976-78 and 2016-18 (currently 1)
record sequence without away victories
5 between 1873-80
record sequence of defeats
3, three times, 1876-78, 1955-54 and 1959
